Mission Statement:

The mission of the PEB Village Christian Primary School Program (VPSP) shall be to provide the necessary resources for the primary education of the poor and the training of teachers to develop awareness in the community for the need of primary education and to promote the needs for sincere and responsible management control of the educational needs of the local community.

Vision Statement:

Our vision is to provide, in an enduring way, the highest quality education responsive to the needs of individuals with preparation for the needs and demands of the 21 st Century. We wish to offer this education to individuals of all religious backgrounds, regardless of their ability to pay, who choose to come to Christian institutions – not to be converted but to receive high quality education fully informed by Christian values.


  1. To give each child the best possible preparation for high school and daily life in Pakistan.
  2. To encourage a creative mentality in each child, that likes to take on challenge and think of new ideas and new solutions, instead of always unconsciously following the old paths.
  3. To encourage a scientific approach to learning in each child; which is working systematically and logically towards the goal.
  4. To provide teaching and training to each child that covers all the aspects of life for the spiritual, physical and mental growth of each child.
  5. To provide quality sustainable education especially to girls in unreached marginalized communities.
  6. To provide training to village teachers to enable them to be change agents in their communities.
  7. To build a team of effective leaders who can support/develop both teachers and communities.

These Schools were established during the last century by different missionaries, in the area they were appointed, with the vision to provide free education to the children of underprivileged families of the areas. The schools were started where a place was available e.g. in the church compounds, courtyards, open area, the corridors of private houses and open areas in the middle of the houses. Teachers were appointed from the local community on very nominal honorarium. The missionaries supported these schools from their individual pockets, till they had to leave the country (1960-72). These schools were then supervised by the UP Synod and Board of Foreign Mission, Sialkot Mission through their representatives. However due to non availability of solid infrastructure and lack of planning the condition of these schools deteriorated. These schools have been managed by the Society for Community Development for the last decade.

Village primary schools have been embossed icon under the management of Presbyterian Church in Pakistan to initiate and propagate the core of humanity and that is “To replace an empty mind with an open one through creative and sustainable education with an objective to produce healthy-minded change agent”.

Primary schools have been administering by the society for community development (SCD) under the management of Presbyterian Church of Pakistan (PCP). In the course of time, PCP developed Presbytery Education Board (PEB) successfully to run high plus higher secondary schools and boarding houses for students in Pakistan.

In September 2012 after looking into feasibility it was deemed by the Moderator (PCP) and committee (comprises by higher ups of PEB) to get the primary schools under the umbrella of PEB. To take over primary schools by PEB a feasibility report through fact finding was prepared by the PEB team. There were twelve (12) schools being functional to come under the management and administration of PEB.

As a first step to take over village primary school system, on November 28, 2012, a meeting was organized by Presbyterian Education Board (PEB). All the functional school staff was invited along with society for community development (SCD) representatives. Eleven (11) schools attended the first interaction with PEB. PEB presented comprehensive success story from scratch to all the participants of eleven schools.

After successful meeting PEB have been in contact with all (11) schools along with 12 th one that did not participate. After thorough communication and getting feed-back from all (12) schools, five (5) among twelve (12) were agreed to come under the management of PEB.

For five (5) schools willing to function under the management of PEB, have been providing with books for the students annually along with other essentials like furniture, black-boards, toys etc. since their adoption. Schools are also provided with monthly grant in lieu of salary, stationery and overhead charges.

Following information according to the current school management (head teacher and local community members):

  1. Mission Primary School Kalaswala Pasrur since 1912 but registration in 1987 (1523)
  2. Christian Middle English School Badoki Gossaian Gujranwala Cant. since 1995
  3. Good Samaritan School Nawan Pind Mananwala Sheikhupura since 2008
  4. PEB English Medium School Walipur Nankana Sahib since 1997
  5. Christian Education Center Jauharabad since 2003