The Christian Girls’ High School and Boarding House were established in 1902-3, under the auspices of the Women`s Foreign Missionary Society of the United Presbyterian Church of North America. The school fulfilled its mission of educating the area’s young people for many years until the missionary schools were nationalized by the Pakistani government in 1972. When the school was returned to PEB control in 1998, there was much work to be done to repair and renovate the school and boarding house which had been neglected during the 26 years of government control. A portion of the boarding house had collapsed and was unsafe for occupancy so only half of the building could be used for the resident students.
In 1993, Dr. Mike Medley (Former Executive Secretary of PEB) presented a proposal to the Presbyterian Women in the United States for construction of a new boarding house. By the grace of God, the proposal was accepted and a grant from the Presbyterian Women Birthday Offering funded a new building capable of accommodating 200 girls. The new boarding house was dedicated on April 18, 2001.
Additional building projects have been completed with funds from other partners: the high school building (Phase-I) was funded by Oikonomos Foundation, the Netherlands in 2005; the high school building (Phase-II) was funded by Eades Foundation in Champaign, IL, USA in 2007; and Phase-III of the high school building is in progress. Partners have also provided funds for a boundary wall and scholarships.
The boarding house aims to provide high quality facilities for students whose families cannot support them at home. PEB has established an educational environment where students can receive a top-notch education while learning respect for others, fairness, and tolerance so they can become good citizens and positive contributors to their community and their country.
Since its inception, Christian Girls’ High School, Sangla Hill has educated more than 39,000 girls. In recent years the school has hosted the PEB inter-school carol competition and has taken the top prize several times. Students also have the opportunity to participate in the debate, science, competition and sports competitions. The boarding house girls also participate in the Summer Literacy Project in which they return to their villages during summer vacation and teach basic reading and math skills to uneducated family members and other adults.
Mrs. Rizwana Kashif
Shah Kot Road
Sangla Hill, Pakistan
Phone: 056-3700141
Email: cghsangla@peb.edu.pk